Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday Loves

There are so many pages and blogs and projects saved as favorites on my browser lately that I have been so anxious to share with everyone so I thought I'd post a few of them today..
I also have a few DIY projects that I have plans to post some time soon. I have been a busy little bee lately and that is partially to blame for the horrible lapse in postings...

So here they are and I pray that everything formats the way I would like it to.

This isn't the bed we built, I havent taken pictures of it yet, but its on the list of things to get done.

If you havent heard of the site Knock off Wood yet, be prepared to be amazed, and if you have already heard of it, then I assume you are a frequent visitor like myself and lots of other DIY-ers. To give you a quick idea of her site, it is this; She is a carpenter that builds furniture inspired by expensive retailers, and provides the finished plans for everyone else to use. We built the farmhouse (pottery barn inspired) bed and we've been getting so many comments on it and it cost us a fraction of the price to build it ourselves. And it is so rewarding, especially building something that substantial. People hardly believe me when I show them the bed we built and tell them the amazingly reasonable cost in supplies we spent to build it.

My next love is this amazing blog, Young House Love, I think it was how I found the knock off wood blog. I don't quite remember though because I wander from blog to blog and don't even remember what I was looking for or how I got there. This blog is filled with so many things I love, such as buying and fixing up a home, DIY projects, especially on a budget, money/budget advice, preparing for a baby, decorating a nursery and home on a budget and also being environmentally concious... this blog is filled with soo many things that I am interested in and I am not the only one that follows along with the Yougsters. It is a very popular blog and I believe the husband actually works from home making the blog his full time job. So go on over and check it out. I promise you won't be disappointed, but don't blame me if you get lost reading old post for the next few hours.. And along with all the knock off wood brag pages and plans you should be set for a full night of blog reads.

I am in loooove with this bag from this etsy shop, Quote. I think I may see if i have some similar fabrics and try and make one for myself.. I keep going back to look at it, but I am too thrifty to for the 78$ price tag.

I have never been one for alcoholic drinks but after living in Germany for 3 years I found that I love a nice glass of sweet wine. I would always save the empty bottles hoping that I would find a use for them. And after having the moving company pack and ship who knows how many empty bottles half way across the world and convincing my husband that we can't throw them out, I have finally found an amazing use for them. I stumbled across this etsy shop, who knows how I found them, but I was so excited to see this great idea for re-using the old wine bottles. I am thinking that I will be able to find the toppers and the rope at a local Lowes or Home Depot. I hope its that easy but I am planning post a DIY after we try it out and see what works for us.

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